Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Who Do You Call On?

When it comes to seeking help, we often times forget that God is our ever present help. In Isaiah 7: 7-12, it talks about how King Ahaz actually rejected God's help and placed his trust in man. In verse 9 it says, "....Unless your faith is firm, I cannot make you stand firm." The Lord is telling King Ahaz to have faith in Him and he would be protected. In other words, if you can't believe that God will do it, then He won't do it, solely based on your faith or lack thereof. We have to believe that God will protect us. In doing that, God will honor our faithfulness and protect us just as He promised.

In verse 11, God said to King Ahaz, "Ask the Lord your God for a sign of confirmation, Ahaz. Make it as difficult as you want- as high as heaven or as deep as the place of the dead." The king actually refused when God was/is clearly ready to show him/us His power. This showed King Ahaz's lack of faith in what God can do. He depended on man, who can fail you or quickly turn on you. He decided to call on Assyria for protection and because of this, God spoke through Isaiah and told him (King Ahaz) what will happen to Jerusalem (verse 17-25). Looking at those verses, the protection that he sought would turn on him and do tremendous damage to Jerusalem.

Even today, many of us have a similar problem. We use every way except God to help us with our problems. These alternative ways can simply lead to more problems that can overtake our lives. Some people may use alcohol or drugs to help them cope with their problems. Some people might even use social networks (Facebook, Myspace, Twitter) seeking advice or help from people and putting your trust in them more than God.{side note: I won't go hard on the social network issue this time, but I will talk about it very soon.} Those same people could very well turn around and stab you in the back. Now, I'm not saying that it is wrong to seek advice, but really stop and dig into the word of God, talking to and more importantly listening for Him before you do anything else. Let God lead you to where you need to go or what you need to do or who you need to talk to.

So I encourage you to place your trust in God, our ever present help. He can never fail you and will always love you unconditionally. He promised us that by allowing Jesus to die for us (John 3:16). God bless.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Giving Credit Where It's Due

I got this devotion from reading Isaiah 10: 12-15. When I first read this scripture, I thought to myself, "Isn't it just like us to act like the king of Assyria?" We boast or brag about what we can do or have done. Often times, we do this and don't realize that it is by the grace of God that we accomplish things. What we have to realize is that God uses us for His purpose and His glory. In Isaiah 10: 12, the prophet Isaiah says, "After the Lord has used the king of Assyria to accomplish his purposes in Jerusalem, he will turn against the king of Assyria and punish him-for he is proud and arrogant."

What happens when we are proud or arrogant in what we believe we accomplished on our own is a disconnect in our relationship with God. You might ask, "how is that?" By claiming that by your own strength, or your own power or your own wisdom that you accomplished some great thing, you are essentially saying that you did not or don't need God. This is a fatal and foolish mistake because the more you remain boastful and take pride in yourself only, the more you drift away from God's blessings. Look at what it says in Deuteronomy 8 where it talks about remembering God. Verses 16-18 is where it really talks about humbling yourself and realizing "that it is the Lord your God who gives you power to become rich..." (v. 18).

Going back to Isaiah 10, look how the king of Assyria boasts in verse 13-14. Then go to verse 15 where pivotal questions are asked. It says, "Can the ax boast greater power than the person who uses it? Is the saw greater than the person who saws? Can a whip strike unless a hand is moving it? Can a cane walk by itself?" These questions bring absolute answers with them. None of those things are possible without someone directing it or using it for its intended purpose. The same thing goes for us. To be used correctly for our intended purpose, we cannot honestly say that it is by our own strength that we receive or accomplish great things. God deserves all the credit, all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise because after all, He is the creator of all things and where would we be if the Creator did not create things for us to accomplish?

Now God will humble those who are proud and arrogant as it says in Luke 18: 14, "....For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." So why not go ahead and humble yourself before God does it? Why not be exalted or honored for being humble instead of being forcefully humbled for being proud? I encourage you to check yourself and take a minute to thank God for the things that you have accomplished or have.

I hope this post was a blessing to you or someone you know. God bless.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Facing an identity crisis/ actin like I don't know who or what Christ did/ if I'm not living a Christ life, Christ like, life for Christ, I'm essentially lifeless/ and despite this/ I see my rising potential getting closer as I write this/ this... rhythmic plea/ for God to break down the old, confused me/ and renew me/ re-mold me/ use me/ for His glory, my feet steady upon the path He set before me/ my choices were made poorly before Thee/ please Lord, don't ignore me/ hear my cry/ why?/ was I living a lie/ thinkin' I could survive on my own/ I felt alone/ I'd just as soon as die/ but my, my, my,/ my soul said yes to You/ I know you're true/ when I'm laking spiritual oxygen and feeling blue/ blue.... and black/ fighting my self inflicted iniquities, losing and out of whack/ weight of the world on my shoulders, straining my back/ against me the odds are stacked/ relax/ no more worry, no more stress/ God, I'm giving you my all, no less/ yes!!!/ I rejoice that I'm blessed/ the best/ of me is what He sees/ He died and rose for me/ to free me from my iniquities/ no longer in bondage to sin, I'm free! I'm free! I'm free indeed!/ no longer suseptible to the tricks of sin/ and I believe Pastor John P. Kee when he said I'm called to win/ so by my faith I win!/ by His grace I win/ by His strength, by His mercy, by His love, I win/ the determination of my destiny is NOT defined by enemy nor friend/ nor kin/ firm foundation in His infallible word, my only dependency is Him/ ...Him, He, Thee/ Jehova Jireah/ my oil supplier/ my provider/ He's due all praise not me/ eyes open, veil lifted, now clearly I can see.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Having Too Little To Having A Lot

It has been quite a while since I actually posted to the blog. I pray that as I continue to grow in Christ, that I can be a consistent blessing to those who may be reading this.

The other day, I was lead to read Luke 9: 10-17. After reading this, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me that we have to get out of that "we don't have enough" mentality. We have to know by faith that we are immeasurably rich in Christ.

If you're not familiar with the scripture, it's when Jesus feeds five thousand with five loaves of bread and two fish. Just looking at the surface of this text, one might read it and think it is simply Jesus performing another miracle. Yes, it was a miracle, but I want you to look deeper into it. The 12 disciples had the mentality of having too little. They even replied to Jesus that feeding five thousand men with only five loaves of bread and two fish was impossible (v 13). Jesus didn't pay their comment any mind and told the disciples to have everyone sit down (v 14).

See, sometimes we have to stop listening to what everybody else is saying is impossible. We have to have faith and do what God has instructed us to do. Believe that if God has called you to do something, then He will make sure that you have everything you need to be successful.  Jesus asked God to bless the food and He did just that. Five thousand men were fed and there were still leftovers (v 17). Take a second and think about verse 17. I get excited thinking about it because after God has blessed us with everything we need to accomplish whatever He oiled us to do, there are still leftover blessings for us to receive.

Now look at it like this, because of Jesus' faithfulness and obedience, His "too little" became a lot plus some. Things are the same way with us. If we can continue to have faith and live in obediently we too can ask God to bless us and He will do so exceedingly and on His perfect timing (not ours). And because God is faithful, we can praise Him right now for those blessings happening. Yes, I said blessings. Not just one, but multiple blessings. If God can do it once, He can do it again and again and again.

Since we are created in God's image, we have to realize our innate Jesus Christ confidence and know that He can take us from the having too little mentality, to having a lot. Ultimately, what it boils down to is our faith. What are you believing God to do in your lives? If you are wavering, then you can't expect anything from God (James 1: 5-8). We have to stand on His word and know that if God said He will do it, then by our faith, it is done.

God bless.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm Fresh

I'm fresh
Not because my swaggas right
because I roll with Jesus Christ
That's how I choose to live my life
I'm fresh
Like a new pack of white tees
Keep my flesh in check like Nike
I got the victory even before the devil tries to fight me
I'm fresh
Yeah you can call me brand new
No holla for you obstacles I'm looking past you
This confidence is past due
I'm fresh
Because He changed my mind frame
No more falling to mind games
He's got blessings for us all, I'ma praise Him like mine came
I'm fresh
Everyday God is moving me toward Him
So I can better know Him
Never defeated in trials because by faith I win
I'm fresh
Renewed thoughts and attitudes
Submitting to God my aptitudes
His direction for my life is clear, I refuse to be confused
I'm fresh
Sin used to control me
But that was the old me
Praised my way outta the shell of self unforgiveness, my iniquities can't hold me
I'm fresh
Yup, fresh out the plastic
The devil can be up to his antics
I have authority in Christ so I'll say it now devil I won't have it
I'm fresh
Not because my swaggas right
Because Jesus already won the fight
Now I can just praise Him and live my life
I'm fresh!!!

Letter to God

This is a poem that I wrote in letter form. I hope that it is a blessing to you or someone you may know. God bless.

Dear Abba,

It's me again. Trying to seek your face again. I need your guidance because I'm feeling lost and I see chaos slowly closing in. Can you please help me Lord? With you, I want to be in one accord. And my issues my heart cannot afford. I don't want to bow out, don't want to admit defeat. I have goals to reach, but I feel like I'm trying to stand on two broken feet. Can you realign them, and put them in a Holy cast? Let them sit in your word while I rehab. Help me to walk straight on your ordered path. Really, I need a spiritual surgery. Please take your Holy Spirit and inject it into my I.V. and if you don't mind, can you check my eyes so I can clearly see your will for me? 'Cause I'm tired of losing, in you I want to win. With my flesh I'm wrestlin'. How do I pass this test I'm in? Please tell me, am I taking the right steps. Use me up Lord 'til I have nothing left. I need to see more of you, and make myself and others less. So this is my plea to you. Your will I'm ceding to. Readjust my internal settings to do more things pleasing you. Thank you in advance for changing my focus on maturing my spiritman. I know in you I'll be the best I can. I praise you and love you always.

Sincerely your child,


P.S. Even in the midst of a mess, I think back to what you've brought me through and I know I'm blessed. So I will be found praising you. For all you've done, what you’re doing, and what you're going to do. That's why I will continue to worship and magnify you.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

You WILL.....

I'm just going to jump into things on this one.

 A lot of people had to deal with some crazy situations or people this past year. Just know that the enemies or stumbling blocks of God's children will never prosper or win. We were born victorious over all the haters, nay-sayers, liers, cheaters, road blocks/hazards, dead beats, and whoever or whatever else is against God's children. Praise God in advance for this situation being handled according to what He can do. Continue to do what God has empowered and ordained you to do. When things come against you and try to stop you from doing what God wants you to do, how do you react? Who are you listening to? God or man? In Acts 4: 19 it says, "But Peter and John replied, 'Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him?' "

When people come against you saying that you should just give up or try something else, know that if God has ordered you to do it, then he will provide you everything you need to accomplish it. Don't worry about what everybody else says about you. The same thing goes for situations or tasks that may seem too difficult to tackle. I'm not saying that it's going to be easy but God will give you the strength to complete the task He has given you. It says in Isaiah 40: 29, "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." And in verse 31 it says, "But those who trust in the LORD WILL find new strength. They WILL soar high on wings like eagles. They WILL run and not grow weary. They WILL walk and not faint." Notice that it says WILL and not might. When you think that you can't go on, start praising God in advance for Him stepping in and renewing your spiritual energy. Watch how your praise will continue to grow as God re-ups your strength. Then watch how God will honor your praise and bless you in ways you may not even expect.

We have to stay focused on waiting on and trusting in the Lord. This includes praising Him, talking (praying) to Him, and reading His word. So I just want to encourage anyboby reading this to shift your focus from the negative and start praising God now for the positive things that He has done, is doing, and is going to do. Just know that by this, you WILL be blessed. God bless.