Sunday, November 21, 2010


Facing an identity crisis/ actin like I don't know who or what Christ did/ if I'm not living a Christ life, Christ like, life for Christ, I'm essentially lifeless/ and despite this/ I see my rising potential getting closer as I write this/ this... rhythmic plea/ for God to break down the old, confused me/ and renew me/ re-mold me/ use me/ for His glory, my feet steady upon the path He set before me/ my choices were made poorly before Thee/ please Lord, don't ignore me/ hear my cry/ why?/ was I living a lie/ thinkin' I could survive on my own/ I felt alone/ I'd just as soon as die/ but my, my, my,/ my soul said yes to You/ I know you're true/ when I'm laking spiritual oxygen and feeling blue/ blue.... and black/ fighting my self inflicted iniquities, losing and out of whack/ weight of the world on my shoulders, straining my back/ against me the odds are stacked/ relax/ no more worry, no more stress/ God, I'm giving you my all, no less/ yes!!!/ I rejoice that I'm blessed/ the best/ of me is what He sees/ He died and rose for me/ to free me from my iniquities/ no longer in bondage to sin, I'm free! I'm free! I'm free indeed!/ no longer suseptible to the tricks of sin/ and I believe Pastor John P. Kee when he said I'm called to win/ so by my faith I win!/ by His grace I win/ by His strength, by His mercy, by His love, I win/ the determination of my destiny is NOT defined by enemy nor friend/ nor kin/ firm foundation in His infallible word, my only dependency is Him/ ...Him, He, Thee/ Jehova Jireah/ my oil supplier/ my provider/ He's due all praise not me/ eyes open, veil lifted, now clearly I can see.

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