Saturday, August 18, 2012

More Than a Rib

This post is a poem that I recently wrote for my beautiful wife Candace. Now some may ask, "why is he putting a poem about his wife on here?" Simple answer. God blessed me with my wife (Proverbs 18:22). This poem is an expression of my love for her. This is not strange or out of line. Solomon wrote a whole book of the bible to his beloved (Songs of Songs).

Beauty defined/ in terms of an intricate design/ a smile that shines/ its a blessing to see like sight for the blind/ She is more than a rib/ She is a part of me/ one flesh in God's eyes, by His will joined in unity/ that's why I can speak so fluently/ about her worth and how even in the midst of my mess ups, she was still true to me/ She is more than a rib/ God filled my heart with love for her, though/ it's not always what I would show/ my river of love never truly changed its flow/ She is more than a rib/ my love flowin'/ into her ocean of emotion/ I'm grateful and thankful that God allowed me to seize this moment/ to let her know that she has me like the Bible on the 'This do in remembrance of Me' table...perpetually open/ She is more than a rib/ the embodiment of beauty, wisdom and strength/ to display my unconditional love, I'll go to great lengths/ She is more than a rib/ I love every inch of her being/ and if seeing is believing/ I believe I'm seeing a woman whose internal and external beauty is simultaneously beaming/ She is more than a rib/ my wonderful woman of worth, the mother of my kids/ holding the essence of phenomenal in her heart/ my best friend, my lover, sexy, classy, smart/ more valuable than calling her a dime/ I am hers and she is mine/ She is a part of me/ one flesh in God's eyes, by His will joined in unity/ that's why I can speak so fluently/ on how Candace A. Parker is more than a rib to me.

Now I know this poem is written for my wife, but there is also a message in this. Men, particularly those that are married or even engaged, you should be able to openly express to your woman how you feel about her. It doesn't make you weak or a punk to let her know that you love her. If anything, you show greater strength by openly displaying your love for her. Treat your woman right. It even talks about it in the Bible in 1 Peter 3:7 and Ephesians 5: 28-30.

Women, your man should feel something similar about you. He should honor, respect and love you as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5: 25). Also, as women of God, you should be the crown for your husband like it says in Proverbs 12:4. This meaning that he should take pride in the fact that you are his wife, like a king takes pride in wearing his crown.

I pray that this encourages those who are married, engaged, or in a serious relationship to seek God first, let Him show you how to treat your significant other and how your significant other should treat you. God bless.

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