When it comes to seeking help, we often times forget that God is our ever present help. In Isaiah 7: 7-12, it talks about how King Ahaz actually rejected God's help and placed his trust in man. In verse 9 it says, "....Unless your faith is firm, I cannot make you stand firm." The Lord is telling King Ahaz to have faith in Him and he would be protected. In other words, if you can't believe that God will do it, then He won't do it, solely based on your faith or lack thereof. We have to believe that God will protect us. In doing that, God will honor our faithfulness and protect us just as He promised.
In verse 11, God said to King Ahaz, "Ask the Lord your God for a sign of confirmation, Ahaz. Make it as difficult as you want- as high as heaven or as deep as the place of the dead." The king actually refused when God was/is clearly ready to show him/us His power. This showed King Ahaz's lack of faith in what God can do. He depended on man, who can fail you or quickly turn on you. He decided to call on Assyria for protection and because of this, God spoke through Isaiah and told him (King Ahaz) what will happen to Jerusalem (verse 17-25). Looking at those verses, the protection that he sought would turn on him and do tremendous damage to Jerusalem.
Even today, many of us have a similar problem. We use every way except God to help us with our problems. These alternative ways can simply lead to more problems that can overtake our lives. Some people may use alcohol or drugs to help them cope with their problems. Some people might even use social networks (Facebook, Myspace, Twitter) seeking advice or help from people and putting your trust in them more than God.{side note: I won't go hard on the social network issue this time, but I will talk about it very soon.} Those same people could very well turn around and stab you in the back. Now, I'm not saying that it is wrong to seek advice, but really stop and dig into the word of God, talking to and more importantly listening for Him before you do anything else. Let God lead you to where you need to go or what you need to do or who you need to talk to.
So I encourage you to place your trust in God, our ever present help. He can never fail you and will always love you unconditionally. He promised us that by allowing Jesus to die for us (John 3:16). God bless.
I always say that is you worry then its like you are not trusting God. This goes the same with what you are saying, if you call on everything else are you truly trusting God?