Since my last post, my wife gave birth to our third child. She was born 2 months premature, weighing in at just over 3 lbs. She was in the NICU for a whole month before she was able to come home. With that being said, I was spending as much time as humaly possible at the hospital with her. I'm not going to lie, I was not even thinking about posting on here during that time.
This is really a testimony about my daughter, Carmen. I consider her our miracle baby. She is now 3 months going on 4 and is well over 10 lbs. The doctors said that because she was 2 months premature that she will be a little bit behind in her development. Basically they were saying that at 4 months she would have a 2 month old's mindset. But me and my wife know The Doctor and He had a different diagnosis. We talked to The Doctor and started thanking Him in advance for our daughter being healthier than what the doctors predicted. We thanked Him in advance for her being bigger and stronger now than what the doctors predicted she would be at this time in her life. Those doctors couldn't tell us that she was going to be just an average baby. They must not know whose child they were talking about!!! She is a child of God and God's children are blessed beyond what the world can understand. We just had faith that our daughter was going to be better off than what the doctors said.
Let me tell you something about God and how good He is. Jesus tells us that all we need is to have faith the size of a mustard seed and we could move mountains (Matthew 17:20). Do you know how small a mustard seed is? Here is a picture of a handful of mustard seeds, just to give you a visual of how small of faith we need at minimum:
Look how small those seeds are. Just imagine if in every problem/situation we had a just a mustard seed of faith that God will or already has taken care of us. I think that it would look something like this.........
These are mustard seed flowers. Look at it like this. With just some small mustard seeds (acts of faith), all these flowers (blessings) came to be. This is just like what happens when we have AT LEAST faith the size of a mustard seed. Not even the trees (obstacles or snares) can stop the flowers from blooming. Yes, those obstacles may seem big, but look at the multitude of blessings that go beyond it. No obstacle or problem or situation is so big that God can't turn it around and make it a blessing or use it for His glory. That is exactly what happened with our daughter Carmen. Her being born 2 months early and only weighing just over 3 lbs. sounds bad, but God responded to our faith by blessing her the way she has been and will continue to be.
All we need is a little bit of faith and God will take care of the rest. Just believe that God can do it, and thank Him in advance. You will start to see God rewarding your faithfulness.
I'm going to stop there for the day. I thank everyone who has taken the time to come by and read this blog. We will look further into having and keeping faith on the next post. I pray that this has been a blessing to you all.
Again, thank you for stopping by. Feel free to leave a comment or question. God Bless.
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