Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Building up the Inside Through Christ

I'm going to jump right into things. The scripture that we will be looking at comes from 1 Kings 6:14-36. In this scripture, it talks about how Solomon has built the Temple of God and is now constructing the inside. When looking at this scripture, I want you to think about all the time and detail that went into building up the inside of the temple. Just imagine how the inside looked. The finest woods were used; strong, durable wood. Sanctuaries overlaid with gold. There was so much time spent just working within the temple.

Now I want you to imagine that temple being you. We often times, especially in today's glitz and glamour society, focus on building up our outward appearance as if that's all that matters. We focus on making sure we have the best clothes, best shoes, and nicest cars. We try hard to impress people with our outward appearance. But for what? That outfit, those shoes, or that car won't get us into heaven. Those people we try to impress won't get us into heaven. These things won't even bring true joy. Yes, they can make you happy temporarily, but true joy only comes from one place and that's God. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with wanting your outward appearance to look good. If you got it or you can get it, I'm not mad at you. Do your thing. But what about the inside (our spiritual appearance). How focused are we on building up the inside through Christ. Again, look at the detailed focus that went into building up the inside of the Temple of God. We should apply those same principles, that same focus to building up our inside through Christ.

Now some might ask, "where do I start" or "how do I do it" or "I can't do it on my own." It starts with knowing Jesus and accepting Him as your personal Lord and Savior. Then you'll realize that you are not alone. The gap has been filled and now we have a direct relationship with God. He is just waiting for us to take that first step toward building up the inside. I know from personal experience that God will start working in you and building you up when you shift your focus.

Some might even say, "I've changed my focus and I don't know what to do now" or "I took that first step and accepted Christ, now what?" Just as Solomon received detailed instruction on how to build the temple, we will also receive instruction. We have to be willing to listen to what God is trying to tell us through scripture, prayer, Sunday service or however He communicates with you. If you don't know what to do or haven't received your instructions yet simply be still and let God do his thing.

The thing we must realize is that when something is being built, it just doesn't happen overnight. It takes time. Sometimes it may even require some breaking down, rebuilding up. Breaking down again and rebuilding again. The key is to understand that the building up process is not really in our hands. Yes, we have to put forth a conscious effort to change our focus and accept Christ, but it is God who is ordering our steps to build us up. Then in those times where we think, "OK God, I got this now, I can handle it," the breaking down and rebuilding up process takes place. We have to understand that nothing is stronger than what God can build. That is why we need a relationship with God through Christ so that he can build us up.

So I encourage you, that if you stay steadfast in your focus in Christ, that you'll begin to understand that all the building or rebuilding is not in vain. In Romans 8:28 it tells us that "In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

I want to thank everybody who may have read this. I hope it was a blessing to you. Please feel free to comment or leave a testimony. God Bless.


  1. Very good scriptural reference Mr. V.I.P!!!
    Time out with being enwrapped in facades so much that self is no longer identified.
    Lets uncover the mask, and genuinely expose the real self to God, so that He can clean us...heal us...revive us.

    "Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom." Psalm 51:6

  2. I'm so glad is using you to reach people. Thank God for your obedience. I love you and keep up the good work! Love, Sharmelle
